During the school year, visitations schedules with the non-custodial parent generally stay the same. Children have school schedules, commitments and responsibilities that require commitment and a strict schedule. Whether its alternate weekends or split weeks or once a month visits, there is commonly an increase or drastic change in visitation times during the summer. Children are no longer in school and spend extended periods with the parent they generally see for only a short period of time. Parents can take their children on vacation. Conversely, visitations can decrease if the child goes away to summer camp, visit relatives overseas or decides to spend more time on the weekends with friends.
It is crucial that during the divorce proceedings or parenting time negotiations these issues are brought up and discussed before final agreements are reached. Parents have to be mindful of not only their own limited time with their children but also the changing needs of the child. A kindergarten aged child will have different interests then a high school aged one. An experienced attorney can account for the different obstacles that the parents will face as the child grows up and provide for them in the agreement. A great divorce agreement does not just settle the parties’ current problems but can prospectively avoid future ones. Call us today to see how we can help you.
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