New Tenant, but same old lease?
You need an attorney.
Not all lease agreements are created equal. In drafting
the lease, the landlord needs to look beyond the standard clauses of amount of
rent owed, date it is due and the term of the lease. It is crucial that each
lease is individually drafted for that individual tenant as each tenant can
create their own individual set of future problems. Failure to consider this
and use a template lease for all new tenants will result in future problems
when it is time to evict the tenant and/or collect rent that is owed.
'Landlord should look into the tenant’s rental history,
income, as well as family resources when determining what terms need to go into
the tenant’s rental agreement. Not every tenant that qualifies financially is a
necessarily a good tenant to have. In fact, some tenants winding up costing the
landlord both financially and emotionally.
These are the type of pitfall that
can easily be avoided by using an experienced landlord-tenant attorney to help
you draft your lease.
Contact our New Jersey Landlord Tenant Attorneys at 201-880-5563 to see how can help you
save time, money and protect your investment and property.
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