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Showing posts from June, 2014

Collaborative Divorce

By Marina Ginzburg, Esq.  Sometimes Divorce is inevitable.  Following that painful decision, parties have to decide how they will go from making the choice to divorce to actually divorcing. Everyone knows that you can go to court and litigate; many people also know the alternative which is mediation.  There is however a third option now available known as collaborative divorce. The process, although not new, is not as common in New Jersey as litigation and mediation.  Collaborative divorce is the collaboration of groups of experts that guide you through the divorce process without the intervention of the courts and with you and your spouse being in control of the outcome. The collaborative divorce “team” can consist of a financial expert, collaborative law trained attorneys for you and your spouse as well as a psychotherapists and accountants. In the end this process should be faster and cost you less then litigation. The most important aspect of this...

Student Loan Crisis and Lack of Knowledge of Financial Aid for Students

We hear it everyday the student loan crisis. People can't find jobs and cannot pay their student loans.  Everyday we get calls asking us if students can discharge their school loans in bankruptcy; which is an unfortunate no. What does surprise me is that people in New Jersey don't apply for financial aid. I went to high school in New York when I was applying for college we knew that there was help available for people who could not afford to pay for college.  If I was going to stay in the State of New York in addition to the Federal Aid from the government I was also entitled to State grants such as TAP. Plus whatever the school decided to grant me based on merit.  I have to say it must be that New York does a great job in educating students once they are about to go to college.  I talked to my clients about their economic situation everyday.  They always comment about school. What always shocks me if that they have never heard financial aid.  I end ...